Williams Foster Family

Williams Foster Care

What is Foster Care?

Foster care is the temporary care of children who have been removed from their own families. Children are removed from their families for a number of different reasons, including abuse and neglect, substance abuse, and family crisis. The children are in the legal care of the State, but—like every child—they need a family to care for them.

The purpose of foster care is to provide a safe, loving, and supportive home for those children who cannot live with their family or on their own. While the child is in foster care, a team consisting of caseworkers, mental health providers, life skills workers, and other professionals work to provide services to the child’s family, with the goal of healing and strengthening the family so that the child can be reunited with parents who are able to provide safe, nurturing relationships intended to last a lifetime.

The primary goal is to reunite children with their biological families; however if this is not possible, foster families may be given the option to provide permanent foster care or to adopt the child(ren) in their care.

Our agency works closely with all 64 Colorado counties and child welfare agencies within those counties to provide foster care for children ages 0-21. Every year in Colorado about 8,000 children need foster homes. We believe every child deserves a permanent home where they are loved and cared for. We would love to talk to you about the children who need you.

Your Next Steps

If you are interested or would like to know more about becoming a Foster Parent with Maple Star please contact us at either (720) 990-8454 or Email

Get in touch with some current Maple Star Foster Parents

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  • “Maple Star is a fantastic option for those looking to foster and foster to adopt. We've worked with them for almost 5 years and couldn't be happier. They have been there to answer questions we have but most importantly, to help us and be there for us when questions and when we needed advice on how to handle situations. From the beginning, Maple Star has helped us become better parents as well as foster parents. We couldn't do this journey without them!”

    Cajka Foster Family
  • “I have been a foster parent working with Maple Star for several years now, & have been on the journey from "emergency placement" all the way to adoption recently. I have experienced great support, encouragement and knowledge of resources from this agency. I continually tell people I know who are interested in foster care/adoption, to look up Maple Star. I highly recommend this agency. Thank you!”

    Witherspoon Foster Home
  • I originally started fostering because I knew there were very few foster homes of color and I heard over and over from caseworkers that kids of color often times are harder to place and sit at the county for hours. I wanted to become a foster parent to provide a safe place for those children that are "harder to place". My best experiences as a foster parent have been knowing I've made a positive difference in the life of a child and assisted I've assisted through such a difficult time in their life. The one piece of advice I would give prospective foster families is to be sure to utilize respite and take time for yourself even if you just use the time to sleep!! I love having Maple Star as my CPA because it allows me the chance to work with many different counties.

    Juniel Foster Home