We help build brighter futures for children and families who have experienced trauma, and help to strengthen and equip families with useful tools to be successful.

Maple Star has a variety of services across our community, clinical, and foster care programs. Click on the “Explore our Programs/Services” link below to learn more!”

What Sets Maple Star Colorado's Approach to Foster Care Apart from Others?

Maple Star is a specialized community services agency that provides safe, stable, and healing homes children who have experienced trauma. We continually need foster parents that will care for and equip these children to live healthy and productive lives. The primary distinction between Maple Star and other agencies can be found in Maple Star’s foundational emphasis on physical and emotional healing through the context of relationship.

Paramount to the healing process is a true understanding of the impact of trauma on the brain. With this understanding, foster parents can create healing environments that focus on the mind-body connection and the role of the brain in trauma.


Maple Star’s trauma-specific approach provides individualized and holistic services that promote wellness, durability, and healing through the context of relationship.”

Our Mission

We deliver exceptional value by creating healthy communities through exceptional people working side by side.

Our Vision

Maple Star’s trauma-specific approach provides individualized and holistic services that promote wellness, durability, and healing through the context of relationship.

How we define trauma

Individual trauma results from an event, series of events, or set of circumstances that is experienced by an individual as physically or emotionally harmful or threatening and that has lasting adverse effects on the individual’s functioning and physical, social, emotional, or spiritual well- being, SAMHSA, 2012

Why Choose Maple Star?

At Maple Star, we are committed to serving our communities by thinking about the whole family, rather than focusing solely on an individual, resulting in higher rates of positive outcomes. As an agency we demonstrate progressive thinking, always looking for outside of the box solutions to ensure quality service delivery.

Services We Offer

Clinical Services

Home-based services offering individual therapy, family therapy, & more.


Removal Prevention and Reunification Program.

Family Time

Family Time provides a continuum of supervision and facilitation services.


Family finding/diligent search program for children involved with the child welfare department.


Domestic violence reduction program.

Foster Care

Foster families have varying specialties to serve children who are compatible with their skill set.

Home Studies

Contracted to specific counties (no private home studies) to meet their needs for foster parent licensure, kinship and ICPC placements.

Reputable Foster Care Agency Since 1994

We provide a holistic approach with training and support for all foster families.

Providing Clinical Services since 2007

We provide home-based, family-centered, strengths-based services to bring stability to times of chaos.

Developed Community Based Programming in 2012

Our community-based programming provides services to multiple counties and client populations.

Opened sites in Pueblo (2016) and Loveland (2018)

We continue to expand our services to better serve the state of Colorado.

  • KEEP helped just by the amount of time they spent with my family, and being there when I needed them the most.

    KEEP Client
  • We fostered for over 21 years! Some of our best experiences as foster parents have been seeing the kids reunify with their parents! We also have been richly blessed by adopting children (one sibling group) that needed a permanent plan and a forever home. We have also adopted from foster care. We have been blessed with 6 adopted children! The need was so great-we were able to provide permanency for these kids. Maple Star was very supportive in gathering information about the kids prior to placement. Our Home Supervisor was awesome, in supporting us and visiting more frequently when we had our placement. The advice we would give to prospective foster parents is to seek support and help when you get frustrated! Don't be afraid to ask for help or seek answers to questions. Network with other foster parents, they have been there! Often a listening ear makes a big difference!

    Pisano Foster Family
  • I originally started fostering because I knew there were very few foster homes of color and I heard over and over from caseworkers that kids of color often times are harder to place and sit at the county for hours. I wanted to become a foster parent to provide a safe place for those children that are "harder to place". My best experiences as a foster parent have been knowing I've made a positive difference in the life of a child and assisted I've assisted through such a difficult time in their life. The one piece of advice I would give prospective foster families is to be sure to utilize respite and take time for yourself even if you just use the time to sleep!! I love having Maple Star as my CPA because it allows me the chance to work with many different counties.

    Juniel Foster Home
  • “I have been a foster parent working with Maple Star for several years now, & have been on the journey from "emergency placement" all the way to adoption recently. I have experienced great support, encouragement and knowledge of resources from this agency. I continually tell people I know who are interested in foster care/adoption, to look up Maple Star. I highly recommend this agency. Thank you!”

    Witherspoon Foster Home
  • KEEP taught me that taking space doesn’t just mean it is a good thing for my child; it helps me as a parent to decompress as well.

    KEEP Client
  • KEEP listened to all I have to say and supported our future goals. I learned to keep moving forward one day at a time. The support was awesome and we appreciate all they have done with and for us.

    KEEP Client
  • KEEP taught us how to decrease the stress and anger in different ways. They helped both me and my son.

    KEEP Client
  • KEEP taught us how to cope with my child’s anger. I learned to be calm. KEEP was very helpful and I couldn’t have done it without KEEP.

    KEEP Client

